Since you're a student, consider a small fee above the cost of your supplies to cover your gas and time. Say, if the pastels and clean up equipment, canvas, and other supplies will cost you $45, tell them you'll do the painting for $75, or even $100, which is still far less than if they had a professional do it. If they like it, ask if they would be willing to be a good reference for you, which will amount to a lot more than a few dollars!How much do oil pastel artists generally charge for their art?
Ditto what the previous poster said.
Add in all of the supplies needed (which includes the gas or taxi cab or however you get to them), and then just factor in the amount of time you'll be spending on it.
How much do YOU think your piece is going to be worth?
I wouldn't jack the price up too much since you are a student still, but I wouldn't go too cheap either.
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