Friday, December 18, 2009

What is the alternate source of energy expect gas and oil?

Is it really possible or is that we have to get away with oil and natural gas till it runs out?And when is it estimated to run out??What is the alternate source of energy expect gas and oil?
In my opinion it is a stupid idea to grow plants to produce biofuels. Recently a scientist-team said , it would even be worse for the greenhouse effect. You can use the junk we're producing to convert it into biofuels. Still you need energy to produce these bio fuels.

Also, to produce hydrogen electricity is needed. There's only in space free hydrogen available.

The end of the oil-age is not clear. There are still reserves which are very expensive to exploit, e.g. on the bottom of the ocean or oil trapped in minerals. Finally it will be a question of the necessary investment.What is the alternate source of energy expect gas and oil?
Some people say we can run our cars on corn.
They say in about a hundred years, but that is highly speculative. Other sources are Coal, wind, solar, water, and bio fuels.
Solar, wind, bio fuels... there are many other options that we could and should use more of...

By the way...

I need to get gas on the way home. Thanks for the reminder!
In my opinion we should get all the people of the world to sit on bike machines for a few hours a day to give energy. It would solve the obesity problem too. Sorry that didn't really answer your question!
There is no single alternative. Since global oil reserves have peaked or will peak very soon we need to start finding alternatives - but each potential alternative presents problems. We could go back to coal but there's something about global warming? We could switch to hydrogen but there is an expensive and complicated procress for extracting hydrogen. And hydrogen is highly flammable - though, so are oil and natural gas. Ethanol - would be great if we had somewhere to grow it, and would be even better if it didn't require so mche energy to produce it in the first place. Active solar power? Well, that's great for people with money but some of the countries using the most energy are the poorest. Nuclear energy? Really not a solution at all, since as soon as we switched to it, we would have to start looking for another solution before uranium supplies ran out. Wind Power? That's a lot of generators. A lot.

So basically, we have no solution at present.
Hydrogen doesn't emit any toxic gives a decent mileage...only 1 drawback bein worked upon is how to cool down the temperature of the pipes thru which it is supplied....cheers
Biofuel eg those made out of oil palm.
Oil industry figures I've seen say ';Associated with a reliance on fossil fuels is the fact that from 2050 onwards oil and gas reserves will be significantly depleted.';

Page 13 of this:鈥?/a>

Schlumberger is a company and leading provider of oilfield services.

So we really need to have alternatives up and running for the second half of this century, if not before, as well as cutting emissions.

It means attempting to plan and implement a new technological revolution rather than just waiting for one to happen.
yes but unfortunately the GM motors bought out the electric car. Which I find amusing that they are in the slump financially. Everything you do comes back to you 7 fold.

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